How Long Does It Take to Get Your Eyelashes Done?
When it comes to answering common client questions, one of the main inquiries you may start to receive is how long does it take to get your eyelashes done? The time it takes to get eyelash extensions done can vary between clients. However, it’s always ideal to have a general timeframe in mind so the client can be aware of what to expect. Even though there are countless different questions your clients will ask you, it’s important to be prepared and know the answers.
When it comes to answering the question, how long does it take to get your eyelashes done, there are many ways you can answer this. Depending on what type of lash extensions your client is looking for, you should have a general estimate to help your clients understand the time commitment. Each client is different and has unique needs that may make the process shorter or longer. Generally speaking, it shouldn’t take more than two hours to get a complete set of eyelash extensions. With this in mind, your clients can have a timeframe that will help them plan out the rest of their day. You can now have confidence when answering the question, how long does it take to get your eyelashes done.