3 Eyelash Extension Mistakes I Made as a Beginner
September 02, 2022
When I was just beginning my career, I was eager to get started! I wanted to lash anyone and everyone. I disregarded the details in the beginning because I was so excited to lash!
Of course, this can be a recipe for disaster. I may have learned through trial-and-error, but you can avoid my mistakes and use these hard-earned lash technician tips. I am excited to share with you three things I should have paid better attention to when first starting.
Don’t Skip the Corners
Those hard inner corners were the death of me. I figured, hey, I wanted a set, and nobody really looks at the inner of the eye, right? Wrong! Work hard on those inner eyes, maybe even start off with them to get them out of the way! A full set is considered 99% or more of the natural lashes covered, so get them all. The more lashes you lash, the longer the set will be fuller, resulting in a happy client.
One Shape Does Not Fit All
Not everyone looks good with a cat eye. In fact, most people don't. Take into consideration your clients’ features and what shape and style might look best on them. When I first started, I did a cat eye on everyone, because that was my favorite. Little did I know that just because I like it does not mean that everyone else will like it!
Charge for Your Time
Charge by time, not by week! Everyone will take care of their lashes differently. Some clients will take care of their lashes better than others, resulting in better retention. Charging by time is fair to both you and the client.
As a new artist, so many things about business can be overwhelming. Having systems and expectations in place for yourself will help things run so much smoother.
These were three eyelash extension mistakes I made as a beginner, but it was part of my learning process. Don’t beat yourself up when you realize that you could have done things better. My best tip for beginner lash techs is to keep learning. If there’s a lash technician you respect, ask them questions. Then challenge yourself to keep consistently improving.
Another lash tech tip for beginners? Find a lash extensions supplier you trust. At Extensions By Lindy, you can always count on our
lash extension products and information to be top-notch. Shop with us, and it can be a short-cut to success for you.
If you ever have questions, don’t hesitate to
reach out to us. I was once a beginning lash artist, too, and I can’t wait to see you grow!
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