Do I Need a License To Do Eyelash Extensions?
When you take an EBL Course you will receive an eyelash certification. This certifies you to do eyelash extensions, stating that you have passed our class.
Alabama | No license required | 334-242-1918 | cosmetology@aboc.alabama.gov | aboc.alabama.gov |
Alaska | Cosmetologist/hairdresser, Esthetician | 907-465-2550 | BoardofBarbersHairdressers@Alaska.Gov | https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/cbpl/ProfessionalLicensing/BoardofBarbersHairdressers.aspx |
Arizona | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 480-784-4539 | board@azboc.gov | https://boc.az.gov |
Arkansas | Cosmetologist, Esthetician or Barber | 501-682-2168 | cosmo@arkansas.gov | healthy.arkansas.gov |
California | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 800-952-5210 | barbercosmo@dca.ca.gov | barbercosmo.ca.gov |
Colorado | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 303-894-7700 | dora_barber-cosmetology@state.co.us | https://dpo.colorado.gov/BarberCosmetology |
connecticut | Eyelash Technician license or Esthetician | 860-509-7603 | oplc.dph@ct.gov | portal.ct.gov |
Delaware | No license required | 302-744-4500 | customerservice.dpr@delaware.gov | https://dpr.delaware.gov/boards/cosmetology |
Florida | Cosmetologist, full specialist or facial specialist | 850-487-1395 | CallCenter@dbpr.state.fl.us | http://www.myfloridalicense.com/DBPR/cosmetology/ |
Georgia | Master Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 844-753-7825 | https://sos.ga.gov/cgi-bin/email.asp (E-mail form) | https://sos.ga.gov/index.php/licensing/plb/16 |
Hawaii | Esthetician, Cosmetologist, or Barber | 808-586-2694 | barber_cosm@dcca.hawaii.gov | http://cca.hawaii.gov/pvl/boards/barber/ |
Idaho | No license required | 208-334-3233 | bcb@ibol.idaho.gov | https://dopl.idaho.gov/DOPLPortal/BoardPage.aspx?Bureau=BCB |
Illinois | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 1-888-473-4858 | https://www.idfpr.com/profs/Email/prfGrp01.asp (E-mail form) | https://www.idfpr.com/profs/cosmo.asp |
Indiana | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 317-234-3031 | pla12@pla.IN.gov | http://www.state.in.us/pla/cosmo.htm |
Iowa | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 515-281-7689 | PLPublic@idph.iowa.gov. | https://idph.iowa.gov/Licensure/Iowa-Board-of-Cosmetology-Arts-and-Sciences |
Kansas | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 785-296-3155 | kboc@ks.gov | http://www.kansas.gov/kboc/ContactUs.htm |
Kentucky | Cosmetologist, Esthetician, Eyelash Extension Permit | 502-564-4262 | https://kbc.ky.gov/Pages/contact.aspx (E-mail form) | https://kbc.ky.gov/Pages/index.aspx |
Louisiana | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 866-257-7901 | Sharetha.Moncrieffe@la.gov | http://www.lsbc.louisiana.gov |
Maine | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 207-624-8603 | barbercosm.program@maine.gov | http://www.maine.gov/pfr/professionallicensing/professions/barbers/index.html |
Maryland | No license required | 410-230-6192 | Barbers.cos@maryland.gov | https://www.dllr.state.md.us/license/cos/cosreq.shtml |
Massachusetts | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 617-727-9940 | cosmetologyandbarberingboard@state.ma.us | https://www.mass.gov/orgs/board-of-registration-of-cosmetology-and-barbering |
Michigan | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 517-241-9288 | bplhelp@michigan.gov | https://www.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-89334_72600_72602_72731_72864---,00.html |
Minnesota | Cosmetologist, Esthetician, or Eyelash Technician License | 651-201-2742 | cosmeoltogy@state.mn.us | https://mn.gov/boards/cosmetology/ |
Mississippi | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 601-359-1820 | https://www.msbc.ms.gov/contact-us/ (E-mail form) | https://www.msbc.ms.gov |
Missouri | State is unable to advise, no regulations found in state statutes | 573-751-1052 | cosbar@pr.mo.gov | http://pr.mo.gov/cosbar.asp |
Montana | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 406-444-6880 | DLIBSDCOS@MT.GOV | http://boards.bsd.dli.mt.gov/cos#8?3 |
Nebraska | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 402-471-2117 | DHHS.Licensure2117@nebraska.gov | http://dhhs.ne.gov/licensure/Pages/Cosmetology-and-Esthetics.aspx |
Nevada | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 702-486-6542 | info@nvcosmo.com | https://www.nvcosmo.com |
New Hampshire | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 603-271-3608 | cosmetology@oplc.nh.gov | https://www.oplc.nh.gov/cosmetology/ |
New Jersey | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 973-504-6400 | askconsumeraffairs@dca.lps.state.nj.us | https://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/cos |
New Mexico | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 505-476-4622 | barber.cosmoboard@state.nm.us | http://www.rld.state.nm.us/boards/Barbers_and_Cosmetologists.aspx |
New York | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 518-474-4429 | eAccessNY@dos.ny.gov | https://www.dos.ny.gov/licensing/cosmetology/cosmetology.html |
North Carolina | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 919-736-6123 | Nccosmo@nccosmeticarts.com | https://www.nccosmeticarts.com |
North Dakota | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 701-224-9800 | bocinfo@ndcosmetology.com | https://www.ndcosmetology.com/ |
Ohio | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 614-466-3834 | Ohiocos@cos.ohio.gov | https://cos.ohio.gov |
Oklahoma | Cosmetologist or Esthetician/Facialist | 405-521-2441 | certs@cosmo.ok.gov | https://www.ok.gov/cosmo/ |
Oregon | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 503-378-8667 | hlo.info@dhsoha.state.or.us | https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/HLO/Pages/Board-Cosmetology.aspx |
Pennsylvania | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 717-783-7130 | St-COSMETOLOGY@pa.gov | https://www.dos.pa.gov/ProfessionalLicensing/BoardsCommissions/Cosmetology/Pages/default.aspx |
Rhode Island | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 401-222-7883 | JMichel.Martineau@health.ri.gov | https://health.ri.gov/licenses/detail.php?id=225 |
South Carolina | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 803-896-4588 | BoardInfo@llr.sc.gov | http://www.llr.state.sc.us/POL/Cosmetology/ |
South Dakota | Cosmetology or Esthetician plus 16 hours of eyelash extension training | 605-773-6193 | cosmetology@state.sd.us | http://dlr.sd.gov/cosmetology/education_electric_file.aspx |
Tennessee | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 615-741-2515 | Cosmetology.Board@TN.Gov | https://www.tn.gov/commerce/regboards/cosmo.html |
Texas | Cosmetologist, Esthetician, Eyelash Extension Specialist, Esthetician/Manicurist (combination license; a manicurist cannot perform eyelash extensions), Cosmetology Instructor or Esthetician Instructor | 800-803-9202 | CS.Cosmetologists@tdlr.texas.gov | https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/cosmet/cosmetfaq.htm#eyelash |
Utah | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 801-530-6628 | apettley@utah.gov | https://dopl.utah.gov/cosmo/ |
Vermont | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 802-828-1134 | kelsi.alger@vermont.gov | https://sos.vermont.gov/barbers-cosmetologists/forms-instructions/ |
Virginia | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 804-367-8509 | BCHOPLicensing@dpor.virginia.gov | http://www.dpor.virginia.gov/Boards/BarberCosmo/ |
Washington State | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 360-664-6626 | DOLCosmo@dol.wa.gov | https://www.dol.wa.gov/business/cosmetology/ |
Washington DC | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 866-270-9817 | licensing@dcopla.com | https://www.dcopla.com/bbc/ |
West Virginia | Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 304-558-2924 | danielle.J.Cordle@wv.gov | http://www.wvbbc.com |
Wisconsin | No license required/Salons are regulated | 608-266-2112 | dsps@wi.gov | https://dsps.wi.gov/Pages/RulesStatutes/COS.aspx |
Wyoming |
Cosmetologist or Esthetician | 307-777-3534 | sharon.bennett@wyo.gov |
http://cosmetology.wy.gov |
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