Tips for Teaching Your Clients About Lash Maintenance
Proper lash maintenance is the key to beautiful lashes. Did you know there is such a thing as lash maintenance? We will teach you how to teach your clients maintenance, because how will they know if we do not teach them? Most of our clients have never had lashes before, so it is up to us to teach them proper maintenance.
It is important to tell and show your clients how to properly care for their new investment: lash extensions. I like to tell them multiple times. Upon their first visit we have them sign a client consent form. Within that form that they sign the aftercare is written out. While I am doing the service I like to explain to them how to care for their lashes. I go in depth and tell them all of the do's and don'ts of best aftercare practices. Once we are done with the service I show them the products they should purchase and take home with them. I have now told them three times how to care for their lashes and told them what to purchase.
Once you get aftercare in their hand you want to show them how to use it! You can also record a video and share that on your website/social media/ or send to them!
Before the leave don't you forget to give them a Client Aftercare Card. Now you have told them three times and are sending them home with instructions. If that doesn't help them to care for the lashes I am not sure what will. haha.
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