Qualities of A Great Lash Artist
Finding any given lash artist who can get the job done can be easy. Finding a great lash artist who will give you trustworthy expertise and has your best interest in mind can require a bit more work. When someone comes to me asking for help finding a lash artist, here is what I recommend...

How To Take Care of Lash Extensions in the Shower
There used to be a myth that you should not get your eyelash extensions wet. Some people used to go as far as wearing goggles in the shower in the hopes that it would make their lash extensions last longer...

Common Myths To Put To Sleep About Eyelash Extensions
You’ve probably previously heard a lot about eyelash extensions, whether it’s positive or negative. There are sometimes lash extension myths we hear that can ultimately prevent people from getting them—even if the information isn’t true. We want to educate you and let you know...

Things To Talk About During a Lash Extension Appointment
What is appropriate to talk about during lash appointments? Lash appointments are a time for our clients to talk all about themselves, not vice versa. Plain and simple, but let's dive into the details...

The Best Adhesives for Lash Extensions in 2022
EBL has a few high-quality adhesives to choose from. They are all slightly different depending on what you need from your adhesive, but all are equally excellent at delivering great results. We know that adhesives nowadays are becoming more and more advanced in...

How To Keep Your Lash Extensions Clean
Did you know that you need to wash your eyelash extensions daily? There is a myth that some people say not to get them wet. I am here to tell you that is false! If you are not washing your eyelash extensions properly, you can cause itchiness and inflammation around the eye from...

Here's How To Clean Tweezers for Lash Extensions
We go through so many tweezers a day as lash artists. With tweezing being a huge part of our daily operations, we must provide clients with the safest tweezers and never skip hygienic preparation of our tools—especially nowadays. Using a clean tweezer on each client...

3 Mistakes You Are Making With Your Lashing Posture
Doing eyelash extensions is HARD. We can all agree that taking more than 4-5 appointments in a day can leave you feeling exhausted and in pain right?!...

Tips for Applying Lash Extensions on Mature Clients
As a lash artist I always loved having the opportunity to lash all kinds of different clients. The range of looks we can do, the different eye shapes to work with, and all the different layers of course can be so fun. Isn’t it fun to help our clients achieve the lashes of their dreams? People will...

How Long Does Eyelash Glue Last?
It is important to understand when you need to replace your eyelash extension glue. Your glue is your most important product aside from of course the lashes. Using a glue that is “old” or has been opened for too long can affect your retention, in a bad way!...

10 Ways to Become a Faster Lash Artist
How to become a faster lash artist is a frequent question that we get! Once you become one you have a desire to be faster and faster. I want to sharer the secrets that helped me as a lash artist to improve may speed. Two years into my career I got my classic full set time down to...